The Orange Tree Theatre in association with Up In Arms present
by David Storey
‘A good wife. Home. Children. I don’t know what else it’s all about.’
The memory of a family. The memory of a country. The memory of a moment when people hoped for more.
Following the success of our production of Robert Holman’s German Skerries, we were eager to make another show with the Orange Tree Theatre as quickly as possible, and were delighted to find they felt the same way about us. We sat down for a meeting with Paul Miller and Sarah Nicholson, only to find to our astonishment that we wanted to pitch the same play to each other – David Storey’s The March On Russia. The play had not been performed since its 1989 premiere at the National Theatre, and we were all in agreement that a production directed by Alice would give this beautiful pieve of writing a wonderful opportunity to be discovered by a new generation of theatregoers. Continuing to expand the range of writers we spoke up for was a thrill to us, and we launched ourselves into making the play, galvanised by the patronage and support of the Orange Tree. To our great sadness, David Storey passed away while the production was in preparation, and we were unable to share our production with him. But it was one of the great honours of our theatrical lives to share the play with his family, who came time and again to our production. As we had suspected, the combination of Storey’s deep humanity and Alice’s deft and empathetic way with human stories created a beautiful night at the theatre. The production sold out, and was acclaimed universally across the press, affording us a triumphant conclusion to our busiest year yet.
Sarah Belcher – Wendy
Ian Gelder – Mr Pasmore
Colin Tierney – Colin
Sue Wallace – Mrs Pasmore
Connie Walker – Eileen
Writer | David Storey
Director | Alice Hamilton
Designer | James Perkins
Lighting Designer | Nicholas Holdridge
Composer and Sound Designer | Harry Blake
Costume Designer | Sophia Simensky
Casting Consultant | Sophie Parrott CDG
Stage Manager | Emily Moitoi
Deputy Stage Manager | Charlie Young
Assistant Stage Manager | Beth Absalom

Orange Tree Theatre, London | 7 Sept – 7 Oct 2017